The FenceEdge has been tested on several different Electric fence setup and had been released to the first users in 2023. As there are many different energizers and electric fence set-ups un-tested, you may encounter issues with some of these setups, causing the FenceEdge not to detect the fence pulses properly. Please inform the Smart Parks team about these situations, so we can see if any updates to the FenceEdge are required.
The FenceEdge sensor should be connected to the fence with the (+) wire (red) to the live fence wire and the (-) wire (black) to a earth pin in the ground or if the fence has a earth/ground wire to that wire. Make sure the two different wires (red and black) do not touch or are to close to each other.
Be extremely careful not to connect the High Voltage fence to the Charging pins. Also, make sure that any cables to the device are not touching or crossing each other, as high voltage current may spark and damage the device or other equipment. Ask the Smart Parks team for advice if needed.
The accelerometer orientation for the FenceEdge is as follows: