EarthRanger is an interactive map with built in analysing tools, the option to collect and write reports, set up alerts (e.g., fence breakout alert), plan patrols and extract collected data. On this wiki page we describe and explain all aspects of EarthRanger relevant to the Smart Parks stack. For more details on all other aspects of EarthRanger we'd like to refer to their written manuals. You can access these manuals by signing up to their community
Within the Smart Parks Stack the integration to EarthRanger needs to be properly configured to offer the wide variety of features.
Subjects → the entities you manage in ER, e.g. animals and vehicles
Permission → who can see and do what
Permission sets → the various administrative permissions that can be assigned to ER users
Administrators → people who can and have the permission to perform administrative actions, e.g. adding users, managing subjects or assigning permissions
Features → stationary objects e.g., area boundary, roads or ranger camps
Client id → copy this id and enter it into the earthranger connection node
User → select the user that was created in the previous step and copy it into the earthranger connection node
Client type → Public
Authorization grant type → Resource owner password-based → this is the password for the user that was created in the previous step. Enter this password into the earthranger connection node
¶ Manually adding features without the use of Shapefile/GeoJson file
We do recommend using Shapefile/GeoJson files to import features because you can add multiple points at the same time plus there is less room for error. However, it is possible to add features into ER manually without a Shapefile/GeoJson file.
Go to the admin site ‘yoursitename’ and login
Find ‘Add feature’ option
Go to Map Layers > Features
In the right top corner you see ‘ADD FEATURE’ in a small grey bar with a + icon
The below window opens
Id: automatically generated by ER
Name: write down the name of the feature (e.g. Smart Parks HQ, Ranger Camp X, waterhole X)
Feature type: select which feature type, this determines the icon you will see on the map
Spatialfile: we do not use one with this method
Select the location of the desired feature on the map
In the right top corner of the map, select the point (3rd blue square from the top)
make sure to unfold the: WKT debugging window underneath the map → click (Show)
Here you see: SRID=4326;POINT(LONGITUDE LATITUDE) coordinates → the SRID is unique for every point you add
You can edit these lat long coordinates (DEG) to match the exact location of your point. Notice: the latitude and longitude are switched (long lat instead), make sure to add your coordinates accordingly!
Scroll down and click “save” in the right below corner
Unfortunately, you have to add each point separately. To add multiple points you will need to use a Shapefile/GeoJson file