The HorseEdge device is currently in the first stage of Research & Development. Different versions have been tested. Version 2 looks to have promising results.
Tracking collars are currently the best practice for understanding animal movement and have provided insights into the resources required for the survival of wild horses. However, mares and stallions have reacted differently to the physical collar. Problems have arisen, with stallions often destroying or removing the collars.
Smart Parks has been asked by Dutch wildlife conservation organisations to see if we can develop an alternative to the traditional tracking collars. The current idea we can to test is the attachment of a RhinoEdge Puck 50 device to the manes on the neck of the wild horses.
We are currently testing the following prototype:
Dimensions: 80x80x26mm / 120 grams
Dimensions: 80x60x34mm / 80 grams